02 March 2006

Nothing Clean

While it's completely probably that what I want to ramble on about is how my laundry is still not done this week and so I have nothing clean to wear, this is not what I am thinking about, though it is not only true, but fits the subject.

No, what I want to talk about is how the only thing I have on my mind regards the most intimate part of my anatomy. And it's been on my mind for days. Except, with the current visitor influx I feel as though if I talk about what I'm actually thinking about, then I'll just be accused of pandering to my new viewers.

Also, the picture I want to post is so completely not suitable for innocent browsing I feel like I'm going to get flagged or something if I post it. Whatever is a girl to do.

Well, the first thing on my mind is not so complicated. Simply put, fuck- why do I always forget not to shave the short and curlys too close!!! Just put the razor away K, and get the trimmer. Is that so hard? Is that so difficult? But no. On Monday it might have been, I was doing the regular side shaving when I decided there were a couple strays a bit closer in, a bit further down that I would just slice away with the razor in hand. Within five hours I was regretting this decision. Poke poke poke poke poke. It is the most frustrating, arousing, and itchy sensation you could possibly give yourself, without the ability to reverse the situation. I'm going to have to just suffer while it grows out.

Apparently I have about a ten month memory for this particular subject matter, since I clearly already discussed it right on this very blog right here. Duh.

The second thing that I've been obsessing over is that I think my privates are slightly irregular. But maybe I'll just keep those musings to myself. Or between me and SH. See, I'm not kidding when I say it's been on my mind. We discussed (and compared) in Portugal.....


moi said...

K... I can't believe you did that again!! You were moaning about that the other week!! I told you to use the electirc trimmers, you're bonkers... man, stubble rash 'aint pretty...

... oh you just made me sick in my mouth.

moi said...

... I didn't notice that you had camel toe though...


moi said...

I'm bored, and you're not replying so I'm just going to fill your comments up with nonsensical stuff...

*sticks thumb on nose & waggles fingers*

moi said...

..... aaaaaaand theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen?

Kopaylopa said...

Camel toe has to do with what you wear over what you got. I believe I may be more susceptible to CT, but I do look in a mirror before I buy! (Mostly).

You keep replying here and everyone's just going to think you're obsessed with my twat.

moi said...

"I believe I may be more susceptible to CT"
... what the fuck would make you say something like that... do you have a chubby twat?


"You keep replying here and everyone's just going to think you're obsessed with my twat"
... what makes you think I'm not?


Kopaylopa said...

You're so vulger, but if you must now, yes. I think I have a fat twat.

And oh yeah? NO DUCK FOR YOU!

moi said...

I said chubby twat!

Kopaylopa said...

Like there's a difference!

kybruno said...

I'm thinking there must be a book in there somewhere. Chubby Twat and the Camel Toes. Nah, that's more of a rock band. Hmm, I'll have to give the subjects some more thought. . .

Kopaylopa said...

See, I like 'fat twat' because here they say 'twat' like it ryhmes with 'cat' not 'twat' like it rhymes with 'hot'. Therefore, 'fat twat' rhymes.

kybruno said...

Ah, makes so much more sense now. Of course, silly twat has been the term I am familar with, it was favorite of my dear old mum.