09 March 2006


Many people keep quasi-anonymous blogs. Not giving their full names, not posting their pictures, not using their friends full names, often relegated to nicknames or initials. I fall into this general category. I never started a blog to share with my friends, I started this blog for me. Because I was bored, because I knew I liked writing, and because it would give me a place to collect certain things I had come across on the internet. And really because it was something I could do at work and I'd long since reached the 'end of the internet page'.

Am I happy to have picked up some random readers from around the world? Yes. Do I like checking my statcounter to see who has logged in and how many hits I get on a given day? Yes. Do I enable comments on my blog so that the masses can speak back to me? Yes. But there's a time and a place everyone, time and a place. And a line. A rather generous line, but there's still a line, and I don't encourage anyone to cross it.

This is my space, where I have ultimate control to talk about things that I have on my mind. To publish posts or delete posts or even this entire blog, if I wanted to, as I see fit. I also exercise that same right over comments. I have deleted links to poker sites and loan sites and Jesus sites and hardcore porn sites and anything else that I didn't feel was appropriate to my space, my blog.

Now, lest you forget, valiant and gentle reader, that when you enter these particular pages of bits and bytes, that you have entered my own little realm and slice of the universe, where I wield the ultimate power of life and death over everything contained within its borders. I'll just sit quietly beside you, perhaps put my hand on your thigh, lean into you and whisper ever so softly into your ear so that my hair tickles your neck and you can feel the warmth of my breath, and say while digging my nails in...

A blog is not a democracy. If you want to feel empowered, go fucking get your own.


moi said...

"...perhaps put my hand on your thigh"

... don't even fucking think about it... she did it again today... and laid her head on my shoulder.

Kopaylopa said...

Well sweetness, don't do anything that would require me to say such things to you then. Muahahahahahahha.


kybruno said...

Was it me? Oh tell me it was me, you know I crave the attention. No, wait, oh yes, go ahead.
It was kismit you know, how else could have I come across you?
Ah yes, lines being crossed, there is this feeling of knowing and yet, what do we know?

Kopaylopa said...

Alas ky, you have yet to offend. Perhaps you should try harder? *smirk*


moi said...

ah kismit... *sigh*