25 March 2006

Been Busy

I guess I haven't written since Wednesday, as I didn't say anything about my date. So lets start there. The date went alright. N was very nice and we certainly talked and talked for ages. I felt bad a ways into it as I was yawning and very tired, but he'd kept me past two hours... anyway, I tried to cover it up! Although it was very nice, I'm not sure I felt any 'attraction', though I've come to recognize that doesn't always matter. 'Repulsion' matters, but 'attraction' isn't always necessary. Anyway, I've not heard from him since, but I've not contacted him either so, we'll see.

Then the end of the week was completely subsumed by working on this tender that was due Friday at noon, which meant the courier was called for Friday morning 10:30. Of course, our marketing person Z was sick, P and M were both off on Wednesday, and it all fell onto me to pull this thing together. And I wanted to pull it all together because the project was interesting, and because I wanted to show that I can do well. But short of hands meant it fell to me to make it right. Luckily I had some good help during the day by CS and HvR (even though P had to beat him about the head to make him do anything) and then the star of the day/evening was tlsd who offered to chip in and help out and stay with me as long as it took. Which, was until 6am Friday morning. I haven't pulled an all-nighter since grad school. But we had good fun laughing through the evening and giggling through the work, so it didn't feel so terrible at all. So big gold star to tlsd for being an excellent friend who's willing to lend a hand.

On the plus side, I found out that the tender got us an interview that I'll be going to on Tuesday- so that's the next big step and means lots of preparation work on Monday. It would be a longshot for my firm to get the project, but then, stranger things have happened, anyway, fingers crossed, we'll see how it goes.

Studying has taken a bit of a nosedive, and so I'm going to settle down to do a bunch of that today. Tonight I'm meeting up with SA and his sister A who is in from the states. Tlsd and I met up with them this morning at the market. Where it was all a bit strange with the traders having signs about being mad at the council but with no information about what anyone could do about it. Very odd.

Anyway, two weeks now and it's back home and exam time. Just have to keep telling myself that to make myself study. I'm still very concerned that I'm not actually going to pass this time, but I'll do the best I can, and try again in August if I have to.

It's strange. For a while I felt like all things on the man front was positive, but I'm feeling very negative about it now. Letting go of Mr.Aloof, the disappearance of Mr.Ball, the dissatisfaction with the people I've been in contact with so far. There's no hope for me. I should stop trying.


kybruno said...

Well, at least your taking it laying down. wink

moi said...

K... there is ALWAYS hope! And last time you took exams you were not only concerned you weren't going to pass, you were adamant... and... oh, hang on, didn't you pass those...

... case rested on floor... ahem

Kopaylopa said...

Seriously, these exams are not the same. I'm not bothered about not passing if I don't, because I will the second time around. They're just shit.