19 March 2006


I have been having the strangest dreams lately. Really intense and vivid and completely mental. A couple nights ago I dreamt I was on some sort of 'challenge'. Or maybe it was a team building exercise. I'm sure the foundation was watching too many episodes of Brat Camp, but it wasn't a brat camp. Anyway, There was a whole mess of us, and we were climbing inside this large concrete tube, up a metal rung ladder sort of thing that went on forever. Some people in my group (who were some people in my real life) were racing ahead and some were still behind me. I was firmly in the middle. The entire climb up I'm just thinking that it's all good and no problem, until I emerge at the top to find that the 'task' is to jump off this platform thing that looks like a giant water tower. Clearly the people who went ahead have already jumped, and there I am at the top, suffering from extreme vertigo. In fact, I think the 'floor' slopes, to facilitate the jumping. People fall for a minute before hitting the water. You can see them like little specs, swimming back to the shore. Some people are going, and others, like me, are clinging to the railing for dear life. The 'councilor' or 'guide' came up after me and starts trying to talk me into jumping. I keep watching the scene, I keep feeling intense vertigo, and I don't jump.

Last night I was dreaming about being at work. About trigonometry (soh cah toa anyone?). About my desk being boxed in with filing cabinets. About riding some sort of crazy bicycle in traffic in the ice and snow. And something about my dad as well.

This morning I had a few emails from the prospectives to reply to. Cancelled date from last week is rescheduled for this week Wednesday now. I should number these guys or something until a 'name' for them becomes apparent, or necessary. But for right now they're just faceless masses.

I made myself some oatmeal from scratch for the first time in my life. I've eaten copious amounts of oatmeal in my lifetime, but always from the ready made packages- just add water and microwave. Making it from scratch with semi-skimmed milk was so much better, and really not that difficult. And extremely filling. I am stuffed now. Aren't oats supposed to be brain food? Because what I need to do now is sit down and study my ass off. Tlsd and I are going to see this movie later, which is cool, and it's on late late, which is also cool in terms of giving me time to study. But I just have to fucking do it. I'm telling you,where is a man with a big stick when you need one. Fuck but I'm lazy.


moi said...




I thought you were currently 'interviewing' men with big sticks...

I sooo misread that... I thought you'd written: 'Fuck my butt I'm lazy'.

Kopaylopa said...

I AM but there isn't one handy yet now is there? Times 'a wastin'.

I would so never say 'fuck my butt'. You dirty dirty girl.

moi said...

heeh heeh heeh...

no but I would...


Kopaylopa said...

Yeah we all know, case in point!