03 March 2006

BDSM Dating Hassles (2)

How much do I hate the very prospect of dating? In general, this has been something I've had minimal experience with in my lifetime. I simply don't date. It's not a conscious choice mind you, it just sort of worked out that way. And I've rarely had relationships. Truth be told, I've spent the majority of my time on my own.

As a teenager and in my early to mid twenties, this irregularity in comparison to everyone else around me was a sure sign that I was defective in some manner or other, and clearly not deserving of dating and all the things that go along with it. And so my life this past year and a half is not at all indicative of what came before it. And I'm not unhappy about that at all, but sometimes I think I have some catching up to do. And sometimes, I still think that I'm somehow defective.

And so now the need to gear up and do it all over again is upon me. I am so unenthused. In general, I tend to use the internet for these endeavors. I've had reasonable luck with internet dating as long as you stick to a couple rules, it tends to work okay. First and most importantly, once you think you are interested, set up a meeting. Do not, I repeat, do not continue with an email/messenger flirtation and drag out something that may or may not exist in real life. Bite the bullet and meet that person. Of course, this assumes you have gotten a photograph in advance of meeting. If a photograph isn't on the profile, this is something that should happen immediately. Fuck what people say about 'looks don't really matter'. That's crap and it works both ways. Looks do matter. Especially when you meet in this way. It's not like you've been working together for years and so are used to, or can easily overlook how someone's appearance is not what you normally go for. For new people, looks will matter, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

So far, everything I've said applies to any internet dating and dating in general. It's not that it's different if you start looking in bdsm only venues, but there are added complications. Some of which I've already discussed here. Added complications of specific bdsm dating are: the percentage increase in the number of freaks and wierdos, the tendency to meet people who want to jump immediately into exclusive and intense relationships, the difficulty in casually dating anyway if the results of your dating remains as marks on your skin for a week or two at a time. Initially however, it's the first that is the most daunting. I'm not particularly unusual or freakish in any discernible way, but I do like my sex rough and with a power exchange. I'm not intending to be mean, only to say that those who are 'so' into their sexuality and/or mix it up with body modifications, being goth, or otherwise 'counter culture' aren't going to do it for me and vice versa. And there a lot of them.

I know that by opting to look in the bdsm arena I'm excluding lots of people. But on the other hand, I wouldn't be happy with someone who wasn't interested or didn't enjoy these things. So fucking complicated. Dating blows.


moi said...


1- dating blows.
2- I'd date yah... so you must dserve dates.
3- I'm not gay but I crave you.
4- you must be a raggy doll.
5- that explains the mood.
6- distance makes it difficult... I can't just hop on a plane tomorrow and fuck Todd can I? hmmm
7- cutting down the number of guys by excluding the ones that don't fit the bill sounds like a good idea!
8- dating blows.

moi said...

... oh and the carrot people are freeking me out!

Kopaylopa said...

4- If I were a raggy doll, someone would want to fix me. No one wants me. I'm defective.

5- This hasn't been the best week overall I'd say for numerous reasons.

7- Not if there's none left. Maybe there were none to begin with.

I should date a carrot.


moi said...

... or some ginger...


Kelly Anne said...

To follow along with this wonderful numbers system you already have going on here:

1 - You have weird taste in pictures.

2 - Dating blows. I fucking hate it.

3 - Looks do matter.

4 - Nice duck experiment.

Sorry that mine aren't as cool as tlsd's.

PS - Did you choose the carrots for their uncanny resemblance to phallic symbols? I thought so.

Kopaylopa said...

kelly anne:
1. I probably just have weird taste overall.
2. Does anyone? No really... I think we should just all stop or something.
3. Yep.
4. Thanks. It was mmm mmm good!

Don't worry about comparing to tlsd. Everyone adds something to the mix.

The carrots... I think I should date a carrot.


moi said...

dating carots blows too... I assume...

Kopaylopa said...

No tlsd, that's the best thing....you don't have to blow carrots! ;)

kybruno said...

Not goth, eh? Well, I see enough of those kids in the schools I shoot anyway. Nice depressing bunch there, still there is something about black fingernails and fishnet hose. And I do like a bit of piercing. . .
Sorry, I should have making some comment on carrots, right?

Kopaylopa said...

kybruno1- I think I might be concerned if you made comments about carrots.... ;) And really, I just don't look good in black!

moi said...

K... unless its tight, leather and boned or rope...


Kopaylopa said...

tlsd Don't be silly. The leather is green and the rope was red. The other leather is black, true, but also red, which is more dominant and the boned may be black, but with enough silver to pick up the green- otherwise I wouldn't have bought it. :P ;)


moi said...

K... yeah...

(cat)- The silver may pick up the green... but not if its dark... in anycase black goes nicely with green... and thats a damn nice green...

(rabbit)- The rope may have been red, however, I'm sure you wouldn't have said NO ta very much, that ropes black, and I don't do black...

(dog)- What colour was the whip? you know the one that gave you those horrific welts...

I didn't wanna do numbers so I did pets...

Kopaylopa said...

cat- it's not dark, the overall effect of the entire thing is more grey/silver than black black in my opinion.

rabbit- well, we'll never know the answer to that one now will we? so lets just stick with my version. *smirk*

dog- *sigh* well MY whip is red yellow and green. but it wouldn't leave nearly as nice marks... *sigh*

moi said...

K... ooooo I love your whip, in a non sexual way obviously...


my appreciation is purely asthetic...