15 March 2006

Last Night or One Down

Right, so where was I? I was writing about how boring my week was to be when Mr.Aloof started emailing me to come over to his. I know, I know. Go over to his? When he's been a shit? He should come to mine! Yes, but, that's not the way it all works. And so, the email exchange continued throughout the afternoon with banter and photographs to illustrate points. I left work and went home to pack an overnight bag. Tricky of course, to pack an overnight bag which includes your clothes and stuff for a date the next day, but hey, I'm talented.

So Mr.Aloof had said he would be at his place by eight and I said I'd get there before nine. Purposefully making myself wait to catch the later train to get there closer to nine than to eight. After an uneventful journey I arrived at the warehouse. I texted to be let in, and he came down and got me. Getting into the elevator and going to the top floor. I thought he'd moved out of the warehouse since it had been sold, but the new owners have apparently asked him to stay on as caretaker for another couple months, so he moved everything back in as well as making some positive adjustments (like moving the kitchen up to the loft as well as fixing the toilet so now everything one could want is on the same floor).

Pouring me a glass of wine, I saw he had a video in the player and noticed with some amusement that it was Baraka, which I own, and had on last weekend when SP and tlsd were over as background. So with wine glasses in hand, we settled into the sofa, me in the back supporting position and him laying into me. We chatted and drank and watched the movie and I occasionally poked him in the head and pulled his hair because he deserved it.

Eventually the movie ended and I had to pee like a racehorse, so I unentangled myself from the sofa and went off to do my business and came back with some juice (the wine was now gone) and some grapes. He had asked me to grab the grapes on the way back, but while I was gone, stretched out to take over the entire sofa, leaving me the beanbag poof. So I sat on the poof and fed myself grapes while generally keeping them out of his reach. Eventually the grapes were gone as well and he got up to go to the toilet or kitchen or something or other. Seizing the opportunity, I sprawled out on the recently vacated sofa.

When he came back, he looked at me askance before sprawling out on top of me, which wasn't particularly uncomfortable. Sitting back up over my lower back and thighs he started massaging my back neck and hair. I'm always a sucker for neck and hair, and back is pretty good too. After some time of this he pulled my arms back behind me, positioning them so my elbows touched. 'See,' he said, 'they can touch.'

This was a comment directly related to some of the earlier emailing in which he had sent me a photo of a woman tied with rope, arms behind her back and I think I had sent something back saying I didn't think I was flexible enough for my elbows to touch. He continued stroking me, and positioning my arms. Then his hands were tugging my shirt up, over my head- and while I pulled it off the rest of the way, he was undoing my bra. He got off me then to rummage through a box or bag, returning with some rope.

It took some time for him to tie my arms behind my back, wrists together, elbows touching. Although not uncomfortable to be pulled and stretch this way, it's not a position I can hold on my own or reach without assistance. So he had to simultaneously secure my arms with his other hand or legs while securing the rope (which is tricky anyway, so as not to unduly cut of circulation or otherwise damage). After some time, I felt him tucking in the rope ends and noted that my arms were now securely behind me, acting as a single entity. It was a strange sensation, and had the added side affect of causing me to push my chest forward, which I'm sure was appreciated. He wandered away again and I lay there on the sofa bound, getting a feel for the restraint.

When he returned, he helped me slide off the sofa and then rise to my feet. A cushion had been arranged on one end of a long table and he stood me at the end. Undoing my belt and jeans he pushed them and my panties down to my ankles where I stepped out of it all and he picked them up and moved them away. Then he guided me forward, to kneel on the cushion. At this point, I was just beginning to feel a slight strain in my arms. I sat and waited as he went and got another length of rope. Coming behind me, he lifted my unified arm up and away forcing me to my knees and forward. I could feel the rope being secured to the existing rope and secured again, anchoring my hands up and away from my body. I realized he'd positioned me under a rafter and connected me to it.

With my arms held up and away, my limited mobility became even more limited. Circling behind me, he ran his fingers along my skin, along the ropes, through my hair, across my cheek, along my breasts, between my legs. I was more than ready for such attentions. After all, it was my general motivation for going. So sensitive, and so ready, it didn't take very long for small fireworks to be popping in my head. But that was really just the beginning. He would alternate between touching me all over, and touching me there, renewing the sensations again and again until it was almost painful. He left me again and I sagged into the rope, thighs trembling. He returned with the bar-gag and his whip.

I was glad it was the bar-gag as I'm not entirely sure I would have been up for the ball gag. But the bar-gag is easy, and suits it's purpose. Once it was in place, he touched me briefly again, and then stepped back behind me and I prepared for the impact. I didn't have to wait very long. Lightly he whipped me, across my back, bottom, and thighs. Wrapping the whip to reach my stomach, and my breasts. Taking a break from that, he returned to reigniting fireworks before whipping me again.

I don't know how many times he alternated back and forth. And finally putting the whip away, and removing the gag, went back to the touching cycle again. I know that I lost sensation in my hands, and that when he released the rope connecting me to the rafters, I collapsed forward in a position similar to Child's Pose in yoga. As he released the ropes on my arms and the blood returned, the tingling started. My hands felt clumsy and the tickle of sensation returning seemed wired to the rest of the sensation coursing along my skin. But if I thought he would let me rest, I was mistaken, and lifting me to cradle me in his arms, he reached between my legs again, and it seemed like it wouldn't end as I happily floated away in my own little world.

Although of course it did. And he laid me back down on the cushion gently and went moving about the loft while I lay there, chilling. I heard him filling the bath which was behind me, and saw him getting clean towels. 'Do you want to take a bath?' he asked me, and I think I said sure.

Getting in first, he helped me step in and I settled back between his legs, resting on his chest. The water was quite soothing, and so was his idly stroking my arm. I think that's the most relaxed I've ever been in a bath honestly, being more of a shower girl myself. It was peaceful and relaxing resting by candlelight while the water cooled. Eventually we got out, and toweled off. And he led me to bed.

And then.... we slept. No sex. No sex at the beginning of the night, no sex in the middle of the night, no sex in the morning. Which was disappointing in a way, because I like sex. I mean, not that I was complaining about overall attention in my direction, but there was no activity during any part of the evening or morning that was particularly about his pleasure- though I am a fairly tactile person and I'm sure there was general touching that was nice, if I made a move towards his cock, he would gently reposition out of my reach. Then it was up in the morning, ready to go to work and a lift to the station and here I am.

Tlsd thinks that perhaps he was punishing himself by denying himself pleasures- since he's been such complete shit since the beginning of the year. We also hypothesized that he wanted to avoid intimacies where he was actively involved, because it would keep his emotions free of it all. Meaning, for him to do things to me as opposed to with me lets him keep his emotions from getting involved. Maybe. I don't know. To me what it felt like was when we first started seeing each other and did lots of things but didn't have sex. I really don't know what to make of that. In fact I'm not really sure what to make of any of it. Nothing has changed from how it was, nothing of importance was discussed. *shrug* I don't know.

Anyway, date tonight with Applicant Number One. Update to follow. Oh wait, what is it with me and publishing my blog when new information comes in? Date cancelled due to child teacher meeting. Due to be rescheduled for next week. Well, sleep does sound nice....


moi said...

1- thanks for the picture...P just saw it when i was trying to make a comment....urgh
2- you didn't have the tender moments like bathing together in the beginning
3- you still give him way too much leeway, fucker should suffer more.

Kopaylopa said...

tlsd- 1. Hahahahahahahahahahaha
2. He didn't have a bath then either.
3. Yeah, I know. Oh well.

moi said...

2- he didnt have your heart either... *wink*
3- make da fuka sufa

Kopaylopa said...

2. what heart? candy heart? anyone? no?
3. fooka soofa. is that like some sort of swami or hooka?

moi said...

shit it got me again... hahhahaha

Kopaylopa said...

I think you just like to look! ;)

kybruno said...

Nothing wrong with just looking

Kopaylopa said...

Well, certainly I agree, but tlsd was acting like the picture was somehow coming after her! ;)

moi said...

It DID come after me... it burned itself into the screen... it crashed my pc and stayed there in full view!!!!!