20 April 2005

BDSM Dating Hassles

So things go on as they do with Mr. Aloof. I may see him tomorrow, I may not. Mr. Ball and I are supposed to meet on Wednesday next week. Which will only be bad if things with Mr. Aloof progress on Sunday to the point where I shouldn't really be looking for a new person. And what's going on today? I am getting IMed from Mr. Noshow.

Mr. Noshow I had to dispose of in January after putting up with his excuses since November. We had a good time together, but he just couldn't stick to his word. Couldn't make a time to meet. Didn't follow through on anything he said.

To be fair, these are bad traits anyway. But in a bdsm sense, it's fatal. If you cannot trust someone to do simple things they say, how the hell can you trust them to hit you and/or tie you up? You can't. And so I had to get rid of Mr. Noshow.

Thing is, Mr. Noshow was the first person I ever really had a bdsm experience with. So in a horrible nostalgic way, I can't just get rid of him forever. It's not the experiences together we had that I have issues with, it was his behavior otherwise that led me to drop him. But there he is, offering play. And I am currently without play and find myself considering....

But I can't. Until I know. About Mr. Aloof and Mr. Ball. An the reality is, I should not go see Mr. Noshow regardless because I don't trust him. It's not smart. Damnit.

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