27 January 2006

Take the Helm Gilligan, I'm Off For a Nap

Well, as suggested it's the post-review blog. Just an hour or so before drink-time, and then a week away in Portugal before I can return to these shores. So lets go for the skinny shall we? I know I haven't written too much about what exactly is going on at work, but I'll try to make it easier for you by giving a synopsis. First, it's important to note that our annual reviews were six months ago. In those, you get critiqued by your line manager and then sit down with two directors to talk about your progress, your work, your salary and whatever else you might want to air out until next year. The short version is, K do good work, K needs more responsibility, K should get her own projects. And glad we could all agree to these principles.

To complicate matters, I should explain that I used to work in a group of five people (1)PH, (2)TC, (4)HvR and (5)CS. Now right after reviews, #2 lets loose that he's leaving the office. Since he was an associate and responsible for distributing work, and a huge micromanager, it seemed positive that if he was going, my ability to get more responsibility and move up in my work-world was looking good.

However, after one small project and another partial project that then got taken away from me, things started going from bad to worse. The main problem being that after TC left, HvR seemed to be pre-selected for kingship while me and CS were left doing the monkey work. Now, everyone has to do a little bit of monkey work every now and then. And I'm not complaining about a little bit here and there, that's part of the joy of my chosen profession. But too much monkey work makes K an angry chimp. Add a lower than acceptable salary package, and I get downright cranky. But I'm a proactive chimp when need be, so when we got our annual raises, I complained thinking I would be growing in responsibility and have good grounds to argue for more money. So all I had to do was wait for projects to come my way. Except, if you followed the second link this paragraph, that's not what happened at all.

So today was the day to tell them that if they don't think I have a place to grow and develop here, I would need to be finding that someplace else. And in typical girl fashion, I could not control my emotion and my voice quavered throughout the entire thing, though thankfully, I did not cry. But honestly, it was all taken pretty well. And I wasn't really disagreed with. And some new information was revealed to me about how HvR was being perceived and so on and so forth. They even almost promised me a project before stopping to say they needed to discuss it with others (which means PH). So, I'm off to drink buckets of port and by the time I get back, hopefully, they'll have come up with a plan.

Good monkey.


X said...

Go you. Power to the monkeys!


Kelly Anne said...

Though I must admit that I am not an avid reader (I check every now and then), your blog is great. You are great. Somehow, today seemed like a good day to tell you that. Cheers!

moi said...

kelly anne... you have no idea how perfect your timing is...

I spoke to K from portugal this morning... but I'm sure you'll hear all abut it when she gets back to blog land.

Kopaylopa said...

Greetings kelly anne! Glad you enjoy the blog... feel free to chime in any old time!
