18 July 2005

Rarely Wrong

I think I may have mentioned some time before that my friends adore when they find out I was wrong about something. This is, of course, because I am rarely wrong about a great many things. And perhaps even come across as somewhat smug about this. Which only means, that when I am wrong (which is perhaps, statistically not that much less than anyone else) and a friend of mine finds out about it, they usually jump with glee and rub their hands together in a most unsightly fashion. Well, at least I have the capacity to give my friends joy.

So S came to Wales on Friday because he may teach there with me next year. He had never been to CAT before and so I suggested he spend some time just walking around the place and seeing what they had.

He came down to meet up with me and my students in the eco-cabin classroom and was showing me the photos of the things he saw that he really liked. He said he loved the striations in the rammed earth wall at the bookshop. He said if he built this place he was thinking of in London, he would use rammed earth. I said, well, fine, if the wall was indoors- but it's too wet a climate here for an exterior rammed earth wall.

S got all uptight and flipped through the pictures on his phone. "No see- right here, this is the wall, and you can see the glass and you can see the outdoors- an external wall."

I scrutinized the photo. "No.... see, if you look, you see a window edge beyond this window. That's a window into the atrium and then it's protected. It's not outside"

"It is, and you are so wrong. I was just there."

I thought about this. I would have sworn I was right, but S made me doubt. He was being so confident and snotty about it. We argued about it a bit more and settled on him showing me how wrong I was when we were up at the bookstore later.

Saturday evening before dinner we walked up past the bookstore. S didn't really remember our disagreement so I looked at the bookstore as we were walking past it slyly out of the corner of my eye. "Oh S, please come look at something with me for a moment."

He instantly knew he was wrong. So wrong. So utterly, terribly, and completely WRONG. The rammed earth wall was inside, as I said it was. Completely protected from the wet Welsh climate. I did a victory dance. I gloated. I laughed. "You made me doubt." I said to S. For that I was not willing to forgive. I was going to rub his face in it for all it was worth.

I guess that was exactly how my friends feel when they catch me out.

Did I learn my lesson?



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