07 July 2005

London Freezes

At the moment I am sitting in my office refreshing the BBC page every five minutes to try and figure out what the fuck is happening in this city. Between the Olympic spotlight and the G8 spotlight, it's not a complete surprise that the time was ripe for 'an incident'.

Fucking bastards. Whoever they are.

It's all very surreal. We live in the information age and have come to expect instantaneous information about the world we live in. It's madness to be so close to something and yet so removed.

I'm sure the news will be full of horrific images and stories as the truth is revealed. These are already blossoming on the BBC page as I refresh it. Whipping society up into a frenzied mass of fear and suspicion. It'll be like I never left home.

Though maybe not. Everyone else in the world seems to have more experience with 'incidents' than we did. That was a large part of the shock of the events. Maybe everyone will be better at handling it here. We'll see.

So here I sit at my desk. Blogging because I can't quite bring myself to just work like nothing is happening, though I suppose that's exactly what I should be doing. After all, I'm perfectly safe here at work. I made it in okay. My day has not actually been disrupted. It has nothing to do with me actually. Does it?


X said...

Good to hear you're safe and things, Kay. I was real far away at the time, so I didn't even understand how severe it was until I got home.

Again, good to hear you're safe.


Kopaylopa said...

Yeah, I too am not in the immediate vicinity. Liverpool station seems close, but really, it's not that close.

I have realized upon returning home how much more impact is generated by watching video feed. All I had today at work was the internet and it all just seemed very remote, even though I could have walked there in about 30 minutes.
