20 December 2005

Good News

My mom just called me at work to let me know I passed both of my exams!!!! Yay me!! Of course the phone conversation went like this:

"You must be calling because you got my exam results." as I had just spoken to her yesterday.

"Well, do you want the good news or the bad news?"

My mind raced. I had been checking Prometric daily and had no indication I'd failed. Shit. Here was the slap in the face I had not been looking forward to. "Give me the bad news."

"Okay. Well.... there is no bad news! You passed both exams!"

Normally, my mother isn't so on the ball with snarky humor. Big points to the mamacita for that one. She got me.


X said...



moi said...

like it was ever an issue...


well done babe!

Kopaylopa said...

That's me.. 1/3 of an architect... just 2/3 to go. Yay, er, um.. *sigh*
