22 December 2005

Bah Humbug Thursday

Well, as it turns out, I have nothing much of interest to report today, because I was cancelled on last night. Does anyone see a trend? Anyone? You, in the back of the room, even you know the answer, yes?


What I'm pissed off about is that I allowed myself to look forward to the evening. To believe it was going to happen, obviously, this was my first mistake. And of course, it wasn't until eight or so when I got the dreaded text. At least I had passed the time by drinking with office folks at our scarcely populated office holiday drinks. Which was okay. Well, in fact some of it was quite funny as MG made a speech, which is always amusing- and someone has graffitied on the tiny firebox by the bicycle doors, drawing penises on it, also amusing. But really, this amusement could not hold me through being cancelled on.

The excuse this time? That the company Mr.Aloof works for just found out that they lost one of their bigger contracts and it is his job to make three people redundant by, oh, tomorrow. I do not envy this job. I do not envy this situation. Of course part of me wonders why exactly this means we couldn't meet up, though I'm sure there's a good reason. And to give him some slack, he immediately suggested tonight as an alternative.

To which I immediately texted back something snarky along the lines of "Well, let me know tomorrow about tomorrow then." To which he replied more simply and directly, "Just show up, at Petergate, at 8, tomorrow." But see, now it's all a bit ruined. Why? Because I cannot allow myself to look forward to the change. I may never see him again is my current feeling on the matter. Oh the complications of a casual relationship.

And of course, even if I do see him tonight, I will be withdrawn and difficult. Because I can't think of any other way to be. Being irritated does not make me want to submit to someone. Oh. I don't know. Probably it will blow over by then. But I will at least stick by withdrawn. I cannot let myself get at all attached to someone who lets me down, oh no.

But anyway, that's not really how our relationship is defined, so, as I keep saying to myself in my head, I shouldn't be doing it anyway.

In other news, TL has offered to come over to my flat after work today (yes, going to have fun working this one out with meeting up with Mr.Aloof by 8 *gr*) and hang the light fixture in my lounge. I've only had it over a year now. But I don't like messing with electricity. Hopefully he can leave here at 5:30 and hopefully it won't take more than an hour and a half. Wouldn't that be novel? To have my lounge fixture finally hung. I guess that's one good thing about today.

In the meantime, no more word from tlsd about her sisters impending baby bursting. I read about it on her blog, but she's in dodgy phone reception area, so I'm not even going to get texts off her. Which is probably fine because she's all settled and occupied with her family stuff anyway.

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