10 May 2005

Taking Advantage

I do not take enough advantage of the fact that I live in London. I should go out every night. Experience the city and life. Most nights I find myself at home, exhausted, wanting to do nothing more than stare at the computer or television, or both at the same time, preferably with some hot food readily available.

I do tend to get out at the weekends, but still not enough. Frankly, never enough. C, my old friend and new flatmate and I have a running joke about green grass. Have I said this here before? Perhaps. I don't care to go look. I think I perpetually think there is something else I should be doing with my time. Making better use of what is available. Doing something more substantial. I say, "the grass is always greener over there". C says to me that I'm being ridiculous. I live in a foreign country, I have a job I like, I own my flat (well, except for the huge amount the bank owns), I travel from time to time... C says my grass is green.

Perhaps this is my mood breaking? Itchy feet to get the fuck out and do something better? Tomorrow evening I'm meeting Mr.Noshow for a drink. I should seriously and severely beat his ass for not coming over for a booty call this weekend. I have the tools but not the tendency. That's what he should have come over and done to me.

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