21 May 2005

Journal Jealousy

Link to link to link to link. Following from the semi-secret site, I find the work of Audrey Kawasaki. I like her work, but am actually completely smitten with her journals. From her portfolio link, choose 'doodles'. From her blog, I found James Jean and his sketchbooks. Why the hell can't I journal like that? My journals are so neat and orderly filled with precise letters. I try to make a drawing for each entry but it's always weak, whereas these are bold. Like my blog here, I want an image for every post. I think in images, my mind is alive with visualization. But my talent falls short of my imagination. I know that drawing is lots of practice. I think what I need though, is practice in being bold.

1 comment:

GT said...

Beautiful, a bit like Range Murata, though not anime style as such. I'm off to Kawasaki's site now. BTW Funny thing these blogs: I'm visiting other hackney-ite blogs today and I see I've found another admirer of Mucha and sushi. I've just come back from a good session of tentacle and chilly fish flesh eating in Tokyo. Cheers.