24 May 2005

Danger Danger

It's not a good idea to encourage people I know to web sleuth me. Luckily, this blog is pretty much hidden from the usual routes of sleuthing. You'd have to be a dedicated sleuth to know enough about me, which keywords to hit, and then you might find it.

Still, I have given two people directions to other sites, which, if they scrutinized, could lead them here. Perhaps not the smartest idea. I suppose I'll learn to live with it. I mean, to be fair, no one I know web sleuths like I do. Well, one person I vaguely know. But no one else.

I'm probably safe.

I'd hate to have to limit what I write.


X said...

I just checked to see how easy it would be to track myself down. It's scarily easy to find out my real name, due to some carelessness from a while back.

From that, someone who knows me could backtrack and easily find my blog and expose me.

Or maybe I'm paranoid.


Kopaylopa said...

Just paranoid. Most people are not web sleuthers. Trust in the fact that you are of course, smarter than all your friends. ;)
