14 May 2005


So I should get my ass to the gym right now. That would be enough time to work out, come home and shower, and meet up with T to go to Broadway Market. And I need to get cash before I go this time, not like last week.

But the postman was knocking on the door this morning because C's Amazon package was just slightly too large to fit through the door slot. She's on a week of nights so I had to come down and get the door. Who thinks that it's alright to knock on anyone's door on the weekend at 8:30? For that matter, why is the postman working so early? Is anyone really up to care if they have their mail yet?

My skin is still really dry. I'm so fed up with it at the moment and I'm running out of drugs, not that they seem to be doing much. Looks like next week I'll be going to my GP to try and get a dermatology referral. I've not tried to move into higher realms of doctoring in this country yet- well, aside from that emergency call in to the hospital at new years, but perhaps I'll post about that another time. It's just that my skin condition is chronic. There isn't anything new that they are going to tell me. Perhaps they will switch up my drugs and maybe something will work better for a while. But I'm still going to get horrible dry red itchy skin patches on my hands and face and they are going to make me feel horrible in a physical sense and horrible in a how I look sense which honestly no girl needs.

And to top off my latest skin woes, my eye decided to swell up for no apparent reason. It did that the last night we were in Helsinki, I woke up and my eye was completely swollen and gross. It went away on it's own but then the night before last it happened again (though thankfully not as bad). I looked up on the web what to do and it says hot compresses. So I did that a bit last night but have not looked in a mirror yet today. It feels better today but if I look in a mirror and my eye looks gross I'm just going to start off my day depressed.

Not my eye, but you get the idea. ARGH.

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