10 November 2005

Train Wreck

Have you ever watched a series of events unfold, the ending clear as day, the ugly mass unfolding, bit by bit, step by step to the inevitable cliff edge, unable to turn away?

Have you ever been a part of that single or multi-act play, heading slowly and inexplicably to the only possible ending no matter how much you clawed and scraped and fought?

No wonder there are such things as philosophers and the concept of fate. That so many of our actions seem futile, that once set on a path we must stay for the course.

Or maybe people are still so unevolved that even through endless and repeated bludgeoning, we still cannot learn our lessons.


X said...

Have you ever been a part of that single or multi-act play, heading slowly and inexplicably to the only possible ending no matter how much you clawed and scraped and fought?

Oh yeah. I know that one.


Kopaylopa said...

I just bet you do. Now where exactly do you think you're going for the next couple weeks, eh?
