29 November 2005

Stress Relief

What better way to blow off steam than to go see Mr.Aloof who happens to be in a somewhat mean mood today? I made a slip at lunch talking to T and S- T who knows and S who doesn't. I said Mr.Aloof said he was feeling mean today as an excuse for an email miscommunication that occurred. S was appalled that he would say he was in a mean mood. T wisely kept her mouth shut. She didn't even give it away through funny glances, I was impressed.

Anway, Mr.Aloof tonight, Franz Ferdinand tomorrow, East London Design show Thursday, and plane hell on Friday.

Studying? What's that?


moi said...

There was nothing wise about it...I helped cover it up...I deserve praise for helping not for being scared of you...
...you biznatch...

Kopaylopa said...

Scared of me? Who said you were scared of me? ;)
