14 November 2005

Bad Wisdom

Over the weekend I noticed that the gum around my back left wisdom teeth was a bit sore. So being the overzealous type that I am, I decided the best way to deal with it was to scrub the hell out of it to get rid of any possible infection or problem. Of course this intense attention only served to inflame the gum further and so now it's really hurting and swollen and sore.

Over a year ago I had a similar problem in the same spot. Part of the problem is the fact that I have wisdom teeth at all. They fit, but just barely. And are pushed well back to the ends of my mouth. So if they don't stay very, very clean, there can be trouble. The last time this happened I had to go on a course of antibiotics. I'm reluctant to do this now however, having just finished a course of penicillin. I am treating my mouth more cautiously, but still diligently and hoping it will clear up on it's own.

Still, there is nothing quite so disrupting as mouth pain. Perhaps because the source of pain is so close to one's source of thoughts? Or perhaps because the tongue has a way of continuing to prod and poke the problem, "Does that still hurt? Why yes, yes it does. Damnit." Stupid wisdom teeth.

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