22 October 2005

Tomato Face

T came over tonight so we could watch some Alias and then this show Afterlife. I made a nice dinner of some rainbow trout and some zucchinis and onion and some rice. I was happy about how the fish came out, seeing as how I wasn't entirely sure if I was cooking it correctly. And of course, I made some crepes for dessert. I have crepe batter left, I see crepes in my future. Yum.

When T came over, she asked me what the splooge was on my door. A couple of days ago, some stupid kids I'm sure took some cherry tomatoes that had been growing very nicely in a pot outside my neighbors door and smashed two of them on my door, creating a line of seeds and tomato innards that dripped down onto my mail slot.

I explained this to T, but she was freaking out about it for some reason and I didn't get it. "Come outside and look at it from this angle!", she exclaimed staring at the door. So I came out. And it was completely freaky, man. Of course I had to grab my camera and document the anomaly. I'm sure I'm going to have trouble sleeping now.

Can you see it? Well? Can you?!?


X said...

Alright, it looks mouldy or somesuch. Is there something else I'm missing?


Kopaylopa said...

You don't see the face in the white?? Look harder young X.... ;)

X said...

It only looks like a face now that you've told me it looks like a face...


Kopaylopa said...

Hm.... I think you just must be visually challenged. *smirk*