04 October 2005


Premonition is a rather tricky thing. When you get it right, you think you have a gift, when you get something wrong, you chalk it up to fate.

Sickness never happens at a particularly good time. There is no ideal time to be prisoner to the whims of your body and it's struggle with some micro-organism or another. And it is during these times, that whatever you think your life is, is thrown out the window in exchange for a very base and biology 101 sort of existence.

I have not enjoyed being sick, as no one else would either. However, my illness has been additionally plagued by two premeditative truths. First, I have lost an entire week of studying and my situation for taking my exams is becoming more and more dire. I need to start studying again, at this rate, I will probably not pass either of the two exams I want to take. And this bothers me tremendously, but not enough apparently, to find the motivation to improve myself.

Second, and more important to me and more personal, is how the situation with Mr.Aloof has been affected by this past week and a half. It's not entirely correct to suggest that I got ill and therefore things went bad. It is perhaps slightly less tangible than that. Mr.Aloof has been in a mood of late. And in fact, the week before I got ill, I had to muster up my energy to storm south of the river to snap him out of it briefly to just kick back and hang out, and that was good. All things considered, it's a tactic I would have done well to keep up with, had I not been struck by the hideous plague. So unfortunately, it's really just bad timing. Without intervention, Mr.Aloof has sunk into a deeper depression, and, lacking the ability to count on me, through no fault of my own, has withdrawn.

I got a serious brush off today.

If I was well, I'd be freaking out about it.

But without the energy to freak out, I think I'm just feeling a bit sad and defeated. I hope this isn't the end of me and Mr.Aloof. That would really, really suck.

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