31 October 2005

Sweet N Low

I believe I am suffering from the sensation of 'almost perfect but not quite'. Or perhaps it is everything is just falling short of the mark. I wish I could know if my period was on the way or not, because I would be more than happy to attribute my overall malaise to hormonal fluctuations, but of course, I have no idea when that ever arrives, and so my mood is simply a mystery.

S is very mad at me right now and this upsets me. She's angry because she wants to come visit which I think is great, but the one weekend she picked to want to come, is one of two that I plan to be in New York to take my exams. I've always said 'early December' and so when she said 'first weekend in December', I thought, well, perhaps I can go the week before or after. But having looked at the calendar, I really can't. So I emailed her as soon as I figured it out and she sent me back a clipped one line and I know she's mad, but really, it's not my fault. But I feel upset about it nonetheless. It's particularly bad because this is the second time this has happened, as at the beginning of the year she wanted to schedule a trip and decided that my scheduling of my trip to the states was the only time she could go on a trip. If I didn't know any better, I'd suggest she was exhibiting similar symptoms to my mother- an actual desire to be miserable and feel put upon, but I'm not sure that's the case.

Mr.Aloof is missing. This annoys me. He'll reappear and it will all be well, but two weeks on I have the sensation of missing him. And I'm not liking that at all, not one bit.

And surprisingly enough I met Mr.Ball out for drinks last night. Mr.Ball who is intent on finding this weblog, so perhaps the less I say about him the better. No, that was cool. We'd not met face to face since the first time we met ever, though we've talked copious amounts in between sporadically. However, that was still seven months ago, so, it was interesting to see him again. And a fun evening that I would have otherwise spent studying.

Oh I'm so in the shit for not studying. I need to book my exams this week and my flight. I think I've let it go a bit late, what else is new in my sad life?

And now it's Monday and it's back to work, a place that is giving me minor headaches on a regular basis now that things are unsettled and strange. I hate that feeling. I want it to be the weekend again.

And a new flatmate moves in this week, D. D is another American, and will be my first male flatmate. He seems cool so far though, so we'll see how it goes. I'm sure I'll have stories to tell.

Happy Monday all.

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