25 May 2006


I know I've mentioned making things these past couple weeks. All started by the office stitch n' bitch. Well, having put the scarf aside for a bit, I did manage to actually finish something. It's my interpretation of this Japanese thing called amigurumi. Dolls that look like funny Japanese anime and cartoons. I'm rather proud of my first attempt. A cat I've called Meowmix. And yes, it was rather a bitch to make something so tiny (under 10cm!). But when have I ever turned down a challenge? (I think you can click on the images to see them bigger if interested...)


moi said...

I want a pussssssssy cat.

Kopaylopa said...

The string tells me what it wants to be. If I tried to make a cat, I'd probably come out with an inguana or something.


Louche said...

That is brilliant, I salute you.

moi said...

Ok... I want an iguana... that looks like a cat. Could you ask the string if thats ok...


What where you saying about fine line between odd and genius?
