27 May 2006

Cooking Saturday

Well, my moment of wanting to get in touch with Mr.Aloof has ebbed somewhat. I still want to, but it's not quite as dangerous to my actually doing it. This is perhaps because my interest was tweaked today by someone else. I hate that really. Because it is someone equally inaccessible. But there is untapped potential to at least imagine about, as opposed to a closed book. A distraction if you will. And a welcome one at that.

Today the weather in London was poo. I had wanted to go to Broadway Market but didn't. Flatmate D has been home all day as well, so we were talking about cooking various things, so I did manage to get myself to Tescos to pick up four bags of groceries. Then I settled into full on cooking mode. I made peanut butter cookies from my Joy of Cooking bible which is one of the best all around cookbooks ever. Then I taught D how to make sushi and we made tons of the stuff (no raw fish, all cooked) as I was feeling left out since tlsd and SH went for sushi and I am not with them.

A couple weeks ago I made tollhouse cookies which people here don't know about. Those were super tasty. One of them came out looking funny. D and I called it the devil cookie. Of course, I had to eat it.


moi said...

that cookie is doing a cookie poooooooo!!!


Kopaylopa said...

Don't be disgusting. It was a devil horn.


moi said...

or a tail...

Can you cook some more for my return? PLEEEEEASE?


Louche said...

Those look awfully good. Can you email me some please?

Kopaylopa said...

tlsd- if you hurry back in time, there may still be peanut butter cookies to eat.. the recipe made lots.

louche- sorry, the tollhouse cookies are all gone. but luckily, I brought back enough chocolate chips to make many more.... ;)
