03 August 2005

Dazed and Confused

I am having the worst time concentrating. I really only need to be at work another 45 minutes and I have tons to do. I just can't find the motivation. I can't, I can't, I can't.

Sunday is when it all changed. Saturday was great. But Sunday the world shifted as I sat on my couch and I found myself just left of center from where I think I should be. This entire week has been strange. My mood is strange. My attention span is off. I'm completely unfocused. It's ridiculous.

Like all phases, I'm well aware that this will pass. It's just a blip in the timeline. I just wish it would hurry on along. I'm sick of it.

It's like feeling emotionless. Nothing affects me. I think perhaps I have an undercurrent of stress. Well, that makes sense, as this is a typical example of what happens to me when I'm stressed. On the other hand, I don't really have anything to be stressed about.

Or maybe I do. I don't know. I can't find the focus to even figure that out. Just can't be bothered.

Could be work.

Could be trip to Sienna.

Could be exam preparation and thinking of scheduling tests and flights home.

Could be the absence of Mr.Aloof.

Could be the preparation for my party the weekend after next. It's my birthday in a couple weeks on the 16th. I'll be 31. I told Mr.Ball who then told me that 31 was his favorite year because of the image in the numbers. I'll let you figure that one out.

This is what T made for my party... *grin*

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