11 February 2006

A Monkey Update

At the moment I am waiting for my dinner to finish cooking so I thought I'd do another installment which continues my attempt to catch up my blog with all the things that have happened in this past week. However, before we get to that, my daily update so that I don't continue to fall behind.

Today I went to Broadway Market with tlsd, again. I'm so glad I've gotten back into this. I had stopped towards the end of the year for no apparent reason and how I have missed the market! And I'm also getting back into cooking. Even though I didn't buy much at the market, I did end up buying a bunch of stuff at Somerfield since my food stocks were a bit low since going away for a week. At the moment I have a lovely herbs de Provence seasoned lamb waiting for me and some chestnut mushrooms and saffron rice. Damnit, I'm hungry!

So, this week was an interesting one given how I had left things at work before going away for a week. I thought all had gone well with the meeting before I left, but I came back to a couple of ugly surprises. First, a new project that I knew was coming into the office and is in typology very similar to one that I worked on with the now gone T and would have been a sensible way for me to build upon what I had learned and my experiences to date has gone to H. It's a big project that won't involve so much design as much as coordination and lots of travel to and from Sheffield. So it's not that I was so angry about this, but no, fuck it, I was angry about this because it was a stupid decision that didn't make sense. And I wasn't in the mood for H to be all smug like he was being.

On top of this, C informs me that the week I was away she spoke with H about her unhappiness with work distribution and was asking him why he was getting all the projects and his response to her was, "I am T, that's what they told me, that's what they want me to be." Now, hello- when I had my meeting with M and G the directors, they told me there was no fucking hierarchy. So who the fuck has been telling H that he is above me and C? I was plunged back into pissed off monkey mode.

So on Wednesday I sent an email to M and G asking if there had been any discussion since our meeting and expressing concern that things seemed to be steam rolling in the direction they had been before I left. G came up to me right away to say, "What project was it that I promised you?". And I had to point out to him that he didn't 'promise' me a project, they said they'd give me one but then shut down the talk and said they needed to speak privately. So he suggests that this one big project is coming back online and that I would have it. The only problem with this is that H worked on the first phase of the design, so even if I get put on it and even if it's a new design, you just KNOW he's going to want to 'supervise' my work because he already feels ownership for the project. So I still wasn't pleased with this response, even though it was quick.

On Thursday, G calls me and asks me to grab C and come down to one of the meeting rooms. As it turns out, C had a conversation with P the day before and P spoke with G, and G already knew that I was not happy, so he took action. Highly unusual for my office. But it looks like I will be getting his project, and he stressed again that there is no hierarchy. And also that it would be my sole project and that H had no authority over me. We discussed that me or C would be able to come speak to him if we felt things were not moving in a good direction and I guess we'll just have to see how it all goes. He was going to speak with H separately, wish I could be a fly on the wall for that.

So, in summary, early in the week, angry monkey, by the end of the week, calm monkey.


moi said...

... but always a cheeky munk-ee...

death to hoohaa... death to hoohaa

X said...

I like that picture. If that's really what you looked like by the end of the week, then good for you.


moi said...

X... that's actually I photo I took of K on her last birthday...

Kopaylopa said...

X, Yeah, makes you sorry you're a llama I bet. At least I have hands. :)

Tlsd, I don't want hooha to die, just to suffer miserably for a while and be broken afterwars. Much better.


moi said...

no... if he gets broken someone like me will come along and try and fix him... he doesn't deserve that chance!