12 February 2006

A Head Question

Oh, I bet you thought I was going to talk about something sexual. WRONG! Inspired by this news article, I began to wonder, when exactly does a head become a skull? And when is it okay to handle someone's head? I mean, in fairness, you could boil all the meat and other stringy things off a recently detached head and render it a skull, and if a body was buried in the dessert it could be thousands of years old and still have bits of skin and hair and bone attached and be a head. Is it the recently deceased aspect of a head that makes it taboo or is it the resemblance remaining to the person it once was? In either case, to be safe, I think the moral of this story is clear- just stay away from handling heads.


moi said...

... oh come on a head is ok as a gift surely... I mean it's ok to give head... right...


kybruno said...

Seems like eBay banned the selling of human skulls not too long ago, and Joe Pesci should have stayed away from the 8 in the dufflebag. And Queequeg can't even sell his head before he mets up with Ishmael. And CSI finds the damned things all the time. . .

And yes, getting head is one of the two or three good things in life.

X said...

Tlsd, I like the way you think. Call me.

If you want another perspective on this situation, ask the boy Arlington Hynes. His site is a unique kind of awesome.


Kopaylopa said...

To steal a line from CJC, oh my dirty little peverts.... :)


Anonymous said...

Just a note, against a spectacularly inappropriate entry, to say I enjoy living vicariously through you Blog. I started reading it a month or two ago when I searched for Hackney, where I now live. You have, in a small way, encouraged me to start my own blog at http://thechangingman.livejournal.com/
That's all.

Kopaylopa said...

Welcome changingman. And here I thought when I got the email for your comment it was going to be about the next post I made this morning which is far more spectacularly inappropriate. I guess I'm on a roll. See everyone, this is what lack of head can do to a person!! (In keeping with the theme of this particular blog.) :)
