23 February 2006


It's not really that I'm complaining when I say I am now very, very busy. I'm not really, it's more a statement of fact. In answer to the question, "How are you doing?", the only answer available to me is, "I am fucking busy!". Because it's true.

At the moment, work has exploded. I have too much to do, and not enough time to do it in. The only way to get it done is to stay late, a dangerous and slippery slope in this profession. But it's just not humanly possible to do everything that I need to do in the time allotted.

Of course when I get home at the end of the long day, what is it I have to look forward to? Studying. It would be hard for this all to be worse.

Oh wait, but it can get worse because I am having pangs in my lower back and hip. Pangs that once upon a time I would have attributed to simple 'lower back pain' but I'm disturbed and frightened it's another fucking kidney stone. Of course if it is, I blame myself for falling off the obsessive water drinking bandwagon.

Oh, and while I was writing this, I got an email from Mr.Aloof who has basically let me go. I should remember my own advice sometimes, it can always be worse.


Anonymous said...

Two men get talking in the pub. One says he keeps bees as a hobby. The other one says "What a coincidence! So do I. I have 6 hives. How many do you have?"

"Just the one"

"Oh well. I think I have about ten thousand bees in my six hives. How many bees do you think you have?"

"About 2 million."

"2 million bees in one hive! Aren't you worried about overcrowding?"

"Nah. Fuck 'em"

Mr. Aloof? Fuck 'im.

Kopaylopa said...

changingman- 'fuck 'im'? i'm afraid that's one thing i probably won't be getting to do. blah.

moi said...

... if only life was as simple as keeping all your bees in one hive...

hang on that's not right...

... if only life was as easy as getting all your honey from one pot...

no that's still not right...

... if only you had a heart of stone and hadn't fallen for Mr A...

He HAS NOT let you go...(seen email- thats NOT what he meant!)

PS: your just pissed with work cause we're not allowed to IM anymore!