14 September 2005


I found this on Jen's blog. I got so distracted I stopped reading her blog and made my own.

7% doesn't seem like very much. And by the looks of it, I'm also a bit limited in my more 'global' explorations. Must fix that....

create your own visited countries map

I feel a little better with this one, 66%. However, do I feel eastward leaning? You bet your sweet ass I do!

create your own visited states map


X said...

You've done kinda good, although selecting the United States is cheating a little bit, like selecting Russia.

I'm on an awesome 2%: look!


Kopaylopa said...

Actually, I think Canada and Mexico are the bigger cheats- as how I have only been mostly along the border.

After next year you'll get to add the states to yours as well though! ;)
