26 September 2005

Body Betrayal

I've just had a miserable night and I don't really want to go to work today.

There is something wrong with me. I suppose I should go to my GP or something, but I have lots of work to do, and the reality is, I can't quite say what exactly is wrong with me, I just know something is terribly wrong.

I've been having the most horrendous lower back pain coupled with a headache and odd shooting pains in other unrelated places on my body.

I woke up at 4 and couldn't sleep, decided to stumble to the toilet. Where the effort of getting there and sitting was so excruciating that the pain literally made me vomit. Never had that happen before, and honestly, don't recommend it. (Yes I know this falls into the too much information category but I'm miserable and thought I would share)

I am really not a happy bunny.

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