28 April 2006

Finally Friday

I woke up so happy it was finally Friday, almost forgetting that I actually had to go and work before the full benefits could take effect. Only slightly disappointing. Yesterday tlsd and SA came over for dinner which was nice. Made some pepper steak with an egg and also some mushrooms and also some spinach and also some rice. Tlsd and I watched the last episode of season three of alias. It was pretty violent and crazy. Just in time that I brought back season 4 from home.

Still waiting on test results thinking no news is good news so far. Still thinking I at least deserve to fail one. Realize how much this is bothering me when I've dreamed about it two nights in a row. Just put me out of my misery, please.

Looking forward to Broadway Market in the morning since it's been a bunch of weekends since I've been. Not sure that I have any plans for the weekend at the moment. There was some discussion with Mr.Aloof about meeting up but then, surprise surprise, he's gone AWOL at the moment. We'll see if he reappears by the end of the day, but I'm feeling fairly out of patience in that arena as well. Still talking to some potentials, though I've let it dwindle a bit and pulled my ad again. I'm just not in the right frame of mind. That, and there are a lot of annoying people out there. But we'll see. I didn't get rid of them all, just capped off where I was at. So I'll give it a bit of time to let things generally settle down and just see what happens.

I feel this intense urge to just be outside somewhere. Very unusual for me. Pity that I'm stuck here in the office.


moi said...

Dinner was gooooooooooooooooooood.

Broadway market... are you ready? When do you want to go?

Surely the fact that the tests haven't been available to re-book makes it look likely that you have passed?

But I suggested going to the great outdoors and you so poo-pooed the idea.... tut!

Kopaylopa said...

we went. on the way home i got yarn. i am so knitting.


moi said...

I bet you didn't even get me needles did you?
I would have so got you needles...

Kopaylopa said...

No, you wouldn't have. And when I see you I'll explain why. But I will gladly go with you when you get yours.


moi said...

ermmmmm ok...