17 July 2008

Ode to a Cookie

There isn't enough praise of the cookie around here. And infamous cookie drops are few and far between. But it's important from time to time to remember that the 'cookie' is one of the better things to come out of America.

Here in the UK, they have biscuits. Biscuits are like hard cookies. Good in a lunch box, but a quick substitute for the real deal. And yet, they are not really aware here of the joy of the soft or chewy cookie, preferring things that crumble and break. The one time I brought in some lovely soft and gooey home made Toll House wonders, no less than three people asked me if they were cooked.


So let me make note of the New York Times recent article on the perfect chocolate chip cookie and all it's soft and chewy chocolaty goodness. All praise the cookie.


Anonymous said...

When I read the title of the previous post I thought it was going to be about something different entirely.


(can't be bothered to log in)

Kopaylopa said...

X- Hahahahaha. I'd sort of suggest you'd never actually forget that sort of plug.

I miss you kiddo.
