25 July 2008

Hot Sweaty Basements

I have more than one thing to say today, but I thought I'd put different thoughts under different headers. The last post was a bit introspective and purely based on this mornings foolish activities. But life is not the moment of my morning, as I keep saying, there are other good things going on as well.

Woo has given me a link which means I have a bunch of new visitors (most of whom will find me terribly boring and not linger) which is cool. She was referring to our outing for comedy last night which was, no pun intended, a good laugh. Out of the seven acts, only one was truly dreadful which is actually good statistics for an inexpensive comedy night. The basement was far too hot which was a shame as by the final act, I really wanted to concentrate more, but I was thinking I was going to expire perhaps in the heat. I am after all, a cold weather bunny. This warm weather makes my skin itch, to say nothing of hot sweaty basements.

Earlier in the evening, I almost missed Louche upon entry seeing as how he looked so entirely different from the last time I saw him, which was only a month ago. It's not at all a bad look however, though possibly less distinctive. Still, stealth has its benefits, make no mistake.

And there was Pimms. Did I say I dislike hot weather? Well stick me in a bathtub full of Pimms and I'm sure we can work something out.

My evening was actually slightly blurry, although I only had one drink. I think it was the heat, the oddity I find sometimes, of mixing friends, and that this week has been a complete wash given the work limbo I'm in. Still, it was a lot of fun, and I look forward to my new adventures in life, expanding my friend circle, and getting out there in the world. Life is there for living (though not, as we learned last night, in the living room).

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