20 July 2008

Maybe it's Just a Bad Year

Though 'bad' is always a relative statement. Something that is 'bad' at the moment may be good for you in the long run. Or something that is unpleasant now, may teach you a lesson to make you stronger and better as a person in the future.

But it doesn't really make the now feel any less pleasant.

This week I have a 50/50 chance of being made redundant. This causes a few problems for me- mostly that it wasn't on the schedule I intended. Sure, I was thinking of changing jobs, but only after my citizenship application. If I get made redundant now, I will need to get a new work permit and visa and only when I get my paperwork back will I be able to apply for citizenship. All of which requires me handing over my passport- and I have a trip home scheduled for the end of August/early September which is right when I would need to be switching jobs if made redundant.

So a bit crap that. It's not the end of the world as there are many jobs still out there in my field at the moment (though not necessarily ones I really want- I can learn something from any job for just a year). But I'd rather have the freedom of not being tied to a work permit so I can pursue other interests like teaching or consultant work.

On the other hand, I made up for this news by hanging out with some lovely women today and drinking copious amounts of Pimms. Originally I was meeting up with my other friend to see a movie, but alcoholic imbibing took over. As for the first person I met up with today, I swear that I have met my emotional twin. I mean, obviously people aren't exactly the same, but every time I talk to this lovely lady I'm struck by just how similar our thought processes are, particular in relation to ourselves and relationships. I mean, really fascinating. And of course since she's lovely, that's making it hard for me to remember exactly why I don't think I'm lovely as well. Because she shouldn't feel that way about herself, ergo....

Still, there's just something rather exhilarating about meeting someone you wouldn't necessarily have met otherwise and just really enjoying them so much. It makes the world seem slightly brighter, even when there is a lot of shit otherwise going on.

Now I need to get to sleep, the real question I have for myself is, is there any way I can get myself to the gym in the morning. Magic eight ball says it doesn't look good.

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