27 July 2008

Calm and Hot

Well, I did it. I sent an email to Mr.Aloof. But it was well crafted and appropriate. Not overly emotional, and reiterated that this is not the time for us to be in contact with one another (though I thanked him for his belated apologetic realizations). I don't feel disturbed by this. It didn't hurt me. I did shed a tear or two while working through it, but I mean literally one tear or two- which was fine. It passed. And I don't feel much of anything for having sent what I sent. That has to be a good thing.

In other news, it's hot. Too hot. Certainly to hot to have a hot computer sitting on me, so this is going to be short and I may even turn the computer off this evening. I think I've done enough damage for the day.

There was no rope work to be this weekend. That made me very sad. I really would like to have this come about. So fingers crossed that it will, and it was really just this weekend that didn't work out so well. But maybe that's okay. Because it's hot.

I've been reading loads. Not sure why this has come about but I've been gaga for books lately. Have ordered many off amazon and am devouring them just as fast. I love reading. Especially laying down in front of the fan. When it's hot.

I need to go cook some dinner. I have far too many vegetables in the fridge now- but I have people coming for dinner on both Monday and Thursday. So I need to think up ways to use the vegetables I have instead of buying more which was certainly not the point. Still, I need specific vegetables for specific dishes. Or to go with the ones I already have. Tricky.

Tomorrow I may find out if I have been made redundant. Then again, I may not. It's all rather confusing. But just like last week, I feel like I'd really just like to know. On the other hand, every week they put it off is that much closer to the time when I can apply for dual citizenship. So it's not all bad. Unless of course they tell us tomorrow and it's me. But I'll live.

Even though it's hot.

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