21 April 2008

My Only Night Off

The rest of the week I am out doing something every night. Pretty crazy.

So I got an email from Mr.Aloof today. It was three short sentences. Not one of which acknowledged the missive I previously sent or the week of silence. Do you know what it means? I do. It means he misses me in his own fucked up little way. I mean, he can't say that. And he can't acknowledge any of the things I wrote. Because if he did, and if he could, we wouldn't be in this mess.

I sent back four slightly longer sentences. I think. In the same spirit of my original withdrawing emails. Friendly, polite, and aloof. I got no response. But I'm sure I'll hear from him again. Am I rewarding him somehow by keeping in touch? Painful for me but enough for him? I'll keep at it for a while and see how I feel in a bit.

In other news, a blog has died. That's a bit sad. I see that these things happen. Situations change. Desires and impulses change. Still, while I follow a number of blogs, I tend to judge them (yes, I said judge) based on how well written they are, and this was one of the better ones. I'll follow the other outlets left to me, but I'm sorry to see it go.

I'm going on a site visit tomorrow for work. That should be fun. Nice to get out of the office. We're going to look at some old quarry that is being considered for housing redevelopment. Tough site. Should be interesting.

Current debate: to Glastonbury or not to Glastonbury? That's the pressing question.


Louche said...

If he replies, don't reply back. This simple action would do more good than you can possibly imagine.

Tell you what, If you manage that I'll organise a cookie drop.

Kopaylopa said...

louche- That is probably sound advice coming from a y-chromosome inclined person. Do you mean though, to not reply ever? My problem you see, is that makes me feel like I'm a horrible person. That's why I'm doing the 'wait and reply' thing at the moment. He hasn't replied yet. I guess I'll see when he does, if I feel like it's something worth replying to or not. I must make myself remember of course, there were many times he never responded to an email of mine. So why does it make me feel so terrible to do the same? Well, therein lies the problem really.

Still.... cookies..... yum!


moi said...

You really shouldn't be replying to him. You're undoing all the hard work you did K...

Just because you're feeling bad does not mean that you're a bad person, just that its an uncomfortable situation. Stop being so bloody hard on yourself!

hugs xxx

Kopaylopa said...

moi- Well... no, not exactly. You see, my original plan was to cut the communication back to light and fluffy, but it wasn't necessarily to cut it out entirely. So replying is not undoing. As long as I keep it emotionally void and less 'responsive', it's in keeping with the intention and the original tactic prior to the explanatory missive of a week ago. Anyway. We'll see what happens. I haven't changed my position, and it's still just an unpleasant and uncomfortable and unfortunate situation.


Louche said...

Yes just never reply to anything he says, ever. EVER. Ultimately it will help you and it will drive him mad so hopefully he won't act like such a spaz in the future.

I'm speaking as a chap, one who knows quite a few chaps who act like Mr Aloof.

Now what are your favourite cookie flavours?

Louche said...

Oh and before I forget, I've not replied to anything T.P has sent me (She has been emailing me a lot) and a few weeks ago she asked to get back together.

I would have reported this on the blog but I know she checks it at least three times a day.