30 May 2008

Blue Friday

Today I am dressed in what a friend of mine refers to as 'The Canadian National Uniform'. Blue jeans and a jean jacket and somehow I ended up with a blue top as well, though some friends of mine insist that it's green, I say it's blue. The overall impression? Obviously that I am Canadian. This is not a good thing.

I guess I don't care that much about appearance most of the time. This is probably because I think I am not all that attractive and there's something that comes to mind about pearls on a pig. I don't think I'm ugly, I think I'm probably just average. Which is probably good considering how much media garbage is thrown at women these days. Still, from time to time I think I should make more of an effort with my clothes, but most of the time I don't.

And what can I say? The Canadian National Uniform is very comfortable.

So what else. I'm writing this at work. I really shouldn't do that now that they monitor everything. But I'm bored and a little bit annoyed and it's Friday for fucks sake. It really isn't the best move for your office to tell you that "there is no place for you to advance here" because it really just means that I've stopped caring then. I mean if you aren't even going to give me the opportunity what the hell do I care? Clearly I don't. I can't say enough about bad management and it's relation to employee satisfaction. Often it's not even something that would cost the employer anything but recognition goes a long way. That's all I'm saying.

In other news, not that I've been looking, but I've had some nibbles in the online dating world. First of all, why the fuck do vegetarians keep contacting me? I love food. I mean, I love food and I'd even go so far as to say it's one of my life passions. So it's hard to even consider dating someone who I can't really share that passion with. This is of course slightly inflamed by having dated a judgemental vegetarian for three months which really put me out of sorts with the whole gang. Still, I have great friends who eat out with me who are vegetarian, so it's possible I'm overreacting but still, where are the men who love the meat? Not contacting me, that's where.

And secondly, British guys are strange. Okay- you meet someone on an online dating site. Obviously communication is mostly through the electronic medium which requires the ability to generate a conversation. If you don't say anything, there isn't anything to say back and the conversation dies in the water. I frequently come across British guys who all suggest that I "seem to ask an awful lot of questions.". Okay. But you aren't asking fuck all. So how are we supposed to get to know each other? Sending blank emails back and forth seems not very useful. But seriously, I know I'm missing something here because British people do meet online and date, but obviously don't ask each other questions. Do they just randomly talk about themselves then and not respond to what the other person wrote? Oh to be a fly on the electronic wall. I'd learn so much.

And last, still mourning my broken heart and still being very angry about things and still having about a million made up conversations in my head (which is better because it's about a million less than previously) but still. It's not easy to get over being betrayed and rejected. It really isn't. And I burn with indignation that he thinks he's happy. He deserves anything but. But as per my previous post, I must trust in the Universe. It's trying to tell me something.

Right. Should probably stop this now. Back to work.


Clair said...

This internet dating thingy is weird. The one I had last week, I thought we'd end up marrying, but nah. I like to meet up pretty fast if I like the cut of someone's jib, and I am thrilled at the possibilites of the Mod who sells big motorbikes, and the Manc up the road from me with the biggest, brownest eyes I have ever seen, who had me at the sick joke, and who, shallow old me thinks may be the most attractive man on the site.

And on the appearance thing, I feel the same way you do. A (female) friend once drunkenly told me in the pub 'You're pretty, but NO WAY are you beautiful'. Gee, thanks! I still have small issues with very beautiful girls, but as we saw in Da House last week, they're often Very Much Not All That.

Kopaylopa said...


I've done the internet dating for ages, but British guys are just horrible at conversation via email. How can we even get to the point of meeting up if they honestly just say nothing?? Bizarre.

As for that so called friend... *raises one eyebrow*. Yeah, very pretty girls ARE often not-all-that. Not much consolation though sometimes. :)


The Topiary Cow said...

Humble Cow had dates with 37 on-line guys before she quit.

Cow sums up: drugs addicts, unemployed, no money at all for whatever reason (wanting Cow to pay!), just plain ugly, or really really boring.

One thought spending the entire first date talking about his ex-wife would be great. Then there were those who couldn't make a date except at the last minute on a Tuesday (married) or could meet you for a drink but wouldn't tell their last name or where they worked (married) or ones who just came out and said "I'm married." Bleah.

Cow remembers one really handsome guy with an expensive car who met her INSIDE the fair (thus she paid her own admission) and then bought himself snacks by getting in line first and ordering for himself.

Hope lack of good emails is the worst you find.


Kopaylopa said...

Topiary Cow - You quit? But then... have you given up hope or are you happily ensconced? I fear once out of the world of academia, there aren't quite as many options to meet new and exciting people. I refuse to date someone from work (though now that I'll be leaving work, maybe it's a good time to pursue something, but no, no one is worth pursuing).

I have had some miserable dates, those I can deal with. They make funny stories to entertain your friends with later. But this lack of communication, the not even getting to the date, this perplexes me. Some people I've met have been very good conversationalists, but by far most Brit guys inevitably say something like "you ask a lot of questions". I really need a witty reply for that.


The Topiary Cow said...

"But this lack of communication, the not even getting to the date, this perplexes me."

Yep. Cow knows how you feel.

Cow just received another email from a guy who had emailed about 10 times, called and chatted on phone several times, made one date (cancelled at last minute) made second date (cancelled at last minute) and now asks "why did we fall out of touch?"

Cow, of course, enlightened him (you cancelled two dates, you are out of chances)

As for the global, scary, defining question of whether Cow has given up...Cow is taking a break from dating for sure, after two divorces. Not sure if it's forever.

But has definitely filed the on-line dating into the past tense. Too many weirdos and socially inept.


Kopaylopa said...

topiary cow- Two divorces? I suppose it's important to remember, there are no guarantees. I might be taking a break from the dating scene at the moment. I'm probably too bitter right now to be particularly good or open minded company anyway.


The Topiary Cow said...

Yes you definitely need an optimistic attitude to survive the rigors of dating, online or elsewise.


Kopaylopa said...

Very true topiary cow. Very true indeed.
