26 May 2008

Bank Holiday Sunday

Today is Monday. It's raining, again, and fairly hard. So it looks like I won't be going out much today even though I'm supposed to hang out with T. Don't know what we're going to do, but it will not involve the outdoors.

Yesterday however, was a lovely day. Readers know that this has not been the best of weeks- and as much as I'm getting through things, I also sort of feel like I'm going through the motions a bit. And then on top of that, pretty much all of my friends know what's been going on, which means even when I get out to go do something, the conversation inevitably turns to the topics at hand. Although in fairness, I'm just as likely to bring it up myself as it's pretty much on my mind.

At any rate, particularly obsessive readers will have seen a passing comment go by earlier this week from Louche in regards to cookies. Obviously making reference to the great cookie drop. And I daresay a distracting adventure was probably a very good plan indeed. So after some communication during the week, it was decided the drop would be on Sunday. In the morning some additional communication indicated that it would be after lunch by the Museum of Childhood which although not particularly far from me, is a place I had never been.

So around two or so I got a text saying the drop was to take place in thirty minutes. I made my way down to the Museum and got there a bit early so was somewhat perplexed as to how to proceed. I didn't want to bump into the dropper by mistake, and unlike last time, I would recognize him. So I busied myself lurking along the edges of the museum and waiting the next instruction.

I happened to be upstairs when I got a text saying to go to the BP sign which is across the street from the museum. I could actually see it from where I was in the building, so I put on my large sunglasses and headed outdoors. The sign was not very remarkable. While there was a lot of rubbish strewn around the base, there was nothing that seemed like a cookie package or a sign or message of any sort. So I waited on the wall and glanced around. I then received a series of texts saying to go to the entrance of the museum, and then to examine the wall to the right of the entrance. I did so, moving calmly and without haste. Peering over the wall, I saw a yellow-topped Tupperware container and no sooner did I get it than a woman unknown to me came up and asked for a cookie! And thus the circle was complete.

So the three of us went to have a proper look at the museum which is a bit strange really. The only thing I had heard about it before is something I can now confirm- the museum of childhood is a cruel place to take children as the majority of the toys are all behind glass cases and there isn't lots and lots for children to do which means they end up running around screaming a lot with all the excitement that's generated from seeing things they can't play with. There were also some strange and disturbing exhibits- some dolls that were particularly sinister or contorted as though with palsy and then there was a very, very strange area that looked like a strip club. The only thing it was really missing was a pole, but there were these pseudo-poles, so really, it wasn't that far off. Why this was included in the museum of childhood was really a bit beyond me. But then it provided excellent entertainment value for us, so good enough really.

We then wandered up to the Corner Cafe to have beverages and cakes which was nice and during that time, Woo got a text from a friend about a party later in the evening. After some very quick back and forth it was determined that we should all attend this part which would be at Shoreditch House a bit later. So we finished up our snacks, headed back to the car and parted ways in order to freshen up a bit.

In the interim I got an invitation to catch up with another friend, so I freshened up a bit quicker than I had originally intended then went out to my local to meet up with F, who, as I suggested at the start of this long tale, is one of the friend's checking in on me and my well being after the troubling week. And it was nice to catch up, though it was a bit quick, and then I was off to Shoreditch.

We met outside the club and pushed our way inside and into an elevator only to be struck by a cavernous expanse of club on the fifth floor. It was moderately astounding as one room or area seemed to lead on to another room or area and the entire space seemed endless and expansive. We managed to find a very nice cozy corner of sofas and plush chairs and settled in for a bit.

Later on we explored the sixth floor, and had a minor adventure trying to get out of the building. Outside, we went to a car where we lost one member and then three of us went to Loungelover to get a beverage. I was surprised we managed to get a table, which was nice, but then perhaps I wasn't paying attention to just how late it was. One of us was, and had to dash off prior to drinking which is a shame because the drinks there are extremely fabulous, but the two of us remaining got a drink and just chatted away into the evening swapping personal histories and information in the way that only women do. And it was really lovely.

Then home then sleep and now it's raining and I thought I'd put this update together while I wait to hear from T since we are supposed to hang out today. Boo hiss to work tomorrow.


Clair said...

Those cocktails rocked. As do you. Yay for bloggers and home-made comestibles!

Kopaylopa said...

Clair- Hooray! Perhaps you will be the next recipient of a great cookie caper.
