17 September 2006


In reality, aside from a few key facts, things have been going reasonably well these days.

With no tests to study for or upcoming trips home, I don't have the pressure weighing down on me.

Now that work has made it clear they don't value me, funny enough I'm being given even more responsibility. Won't those fuckers just cry and cry then, when I actually leave.

There was the evening fiasco with Mr.Noshow but I'm feeling a renewed vigor to hit the dating scene again and have been talking to at least one person that could have potential. I need to get on top of it all and pursue some others. And I'm feeling the energy needed to do so, so that's good.

Oh, and I got a haircut and color yesterday which made me exceptionally pleased.

I'm even feeling the motivation to start going back to the gym. So why the deterioration you may ask?

Because the one thing that is bringing my mood crashing down is the emergency of my chronic skin disease on my face. I'm far more used to it breaking out on my hands. In fact, this has been it's more common course the past two years with only smaller breakouts on my face. But this seems to have been building now for two weeks and I'm well into having an unpleasant go of it. The skin around my mouth and on my eyes is red, itchy, and inflamed. Which of course makes me feel like a leper because everyone can see that something is wrong with me. Either that or I just get asked a lot of I've been crying or if I'm okay or if I'm sick. Which is really shitty if you consider everything I listed above. I'd like to be happy right now, or at least generally content. But every minute of every hour of every day I'm being tormented by my skin. That's so unfair.


moi said...

I saw you on friday... I didn't notice any signs of leprosy.

Louche said...

It says 'Erector Pili' on that picture, and I've been giggling for hours.

I think I need more sleep.

Kopaylopa said...

tlsd- Like you'd say anything anyway.

louche- Hm... I think maybe you've slept enough!
