13 October 2008


Still keeping things brief and work focused. No time for anything else.

Got the remaining pieces to make a 'suit' which cost about as much as my first interview outfit purchase. Horrifying but necessary. Watching my money circle rapidly down the drain.

Have done the presentation for friends- first time was way over at 17 minutes but second time was spot on at 9 minutes. Will do it again to myself probably tomorrow night and possibly also Wednesday morning to make sure I have it down pat.

The interview itself is Wednesday at 1. It's not that I don't think I have good skills or that I don't present well, it's just that I don't know what they're looking for really, and who else they might be interviewing. If my skills match what they're looking for, that's great, I may get the job. But if my skills aren't quite right, and someone else's are, then the job is not meant for me and I will be fucked with a huge fuck off F as there are currently no other jobs on the market.

Of course I'll have to do something, so I will beg my agent to find anything that I can be employed at which is remotely connected to my field. I'm hoping that it doesn't come to that- if I get this job, I'm going to have to take it because I don't have the option not to take it. But if I don't get the job, I'm going to need something. Anything. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, I'm just trying to be prepared, although I will be hugely disappointed and my stress will blossom like mold on soggy stale bread.

As per usual these laste few posts, there is nothing else to talk about. This is the only thing that's really on my mind.

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