13 March 2007

Of Magnets and Madness

What did I say last time? I forget. I need to continue on with the story. How else am I going to arrive at the best part? But first, an oddity that has happened recently. Some of my oldest and best friends are considering moving to London. First was SH who has always had a soft spot for the city and a certain burning jealousy since I moved here, but now from a phone call yesterday is CW who was in all fairness considering a move to Dublin recently but her life situation has changed and now London is topping the list.

How amazing would it be for me if two of my old friends ended up here as well?

Though it is a bit strange as I feel like less of a trailblazer if 'everyone else' is doing it, but that's okay, that's just me wanting to feel special, I'll get over it. And I may have two friends here in the process. Excellent. I feel like a super magnet.

In other news, on the bus this morning there was a crazy man. He had a booming voice and a fervent love of Jesus. He was at least entertaining in a 'look at you, you amusing nutcase' sort of way, and he didn't smell or anything so that was positive. Still, I wondered just what went through his mad little mind. He seemed pretty happy. I guess that's good for him.

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