09 April 2007

Feminist Freaks

There is a very good reason that I try to stay as uninvolved as possible with politics. Mainly because I get incredibly pissed off at how overwhelmingly stupid the majority of people behave or think. I don't consider myself uneducated or even ill-informed. My general political abstinence (aside from voting, which I think is important) is a choice, to preserve my own sanity and ensure a better quality of my life. So it is with some regret that I got rather sucked into reading a debate about the proposed UK anti porn legislation and a feminism festival where a couple of women are going to represent the pro-porn/pro-feminist viewpoint, and the shitstorm that ensued.

In particular this one blogger has completely irritated me with her self-righteous twittering. In particular I am incredibly offended that anyone thinks they deserve any credibility at all when they post "If you disagree with me, I will not allow you to comment on this blog." I'm actually less inclined to discuss her other points, and would prefer to focus on this very simple irrational decision. How can anyone think they are anything but a tyrant and evil despot when they refuse to allow any version of a story but their own?

And I suppose what horrifies me about this maniacal dittoheading is that this group of complete psychos is supposed to be representing my interests? I think not. In point of fact, only the most restrictive and conservative and repressed peoples have ever allowed such censorship and lack of free debate or discussion. And these people call themselves feminists? They have more in common with Kim Jong-Il or Adolf Hitler than Mother Earth. As a woman, a Jew, and someone who identifies as sexually submissive (and no I have never been abused or otherwise raped and can happily remember how my first fantasies at a young age always involved such scenarios), I cannot fathom how any group of people who want to promote the rights of others think that the way to do so is by restriction and censorship. Are people so stupid that they have learned nothing from history? These people think they are liberals? They're fascists.

The only thing I will say about the point of contention is that it has nothing to do with feminism. Un-fucking-believable when there are so many real issues about how women are treated in society that such movements can and should actively address.

I recognize that there is no point engaging fanatics in their fanaticism. That these miserable people with no self-direction only find purpose in being accepted by the group by mimicking the alphas. Still, when I read it, it just pisses me off and leaves me with very little hope and too much verification about human nature and the miserable state of it.

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