01 December 2008

4:10 PM

And all is dark. It's something that I'm not sure I'll ever get entirely used to- how far north London actually is, and how dark it gets in the winter. I mean seriously, it is ten minutes past four and it is DARK. Twenty more days of this, until the longest night of the year, and then we can slowly inch our way back out.

It's weird because it just throws everything off. I get tired earlier and hungry earlier. I feel like it's so late, when really it's early.

People don't usually consider just how much more north London is to the United States. It's confusing because London is so much more temperate than continental places because of its island nature and the Gulf Stream. You just forget how far north it actually is. Though not as far north as Copenhagen or Helsinki. Still, so far north that I can literally feel the difference in every fiber of my being. It's weird.

No wonder the pagans celebrated the longest night- the end of this time of darkness and the return to the light. It's really something tangible here. It's strange and to me feels almost unnatural, even though obviously it is natural, it's particularly jarring having come from a place where this doesn't happen. Weird.

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