06 November 2008

Disgusting Tools

Well, as I said in the last post, there were two things I probably wanted to blog about. The other one is a bit serious and I'm not entirely sure what I want to say about it yet, so instead I feel the need to talk about the disgusting thing that is the toilet brush.

Now toilet brushes have always confused me a bit- all those bristles. I mean, okay, obviously that's great for scrubbing stuff off, but it also seems perfectly suited for getting stuff stuck in. And how are you supposed to clean the toilet brush??? In general, I have avoided the use of the toilet brush. I have one- I may have even bought it, but I don't use it. I figure maybe the cleaner uses it, or maybe other people use it, but I pretty much never touch it because I can't really work out what the benefit is to it.

Although at some point, I was over at S's house and we were talking about the idiotic design of the British toilet. Something I wrote about a long time ago. So I think I was remarking about how the toilets here are simply designed for skids. In fact, it's practically impossible to poop without 'leaving a mark' as it were (and don't get me started on the floaters). So we're discussing this when S says, "Yeah, that's why you have to have the toilet brush to scrub it away."

Really? I mean, to stick a brush on some fresh skids will probably remove it, but it won't remove it into the water, it's going to remove it straight into those bristles! And then where does the brush go? Back into the holder sitting out in the bathroom. So really, you aren't getting rid of anything, in fact you're just spreading it around and keeping it forever.

Bearing all of this in mind, I have still avoided the use of the toilet brush fastidiously, but unfortunately a couple of weeks ago I was still at work and had to use the toilet and of course, there was a skid. I tried to paper over, I tried the double flush, but it just wasn't working. And sadly, I felt I couldn't leave it like that so I decided to attempt the toilet brush.

I tell you, it's exactly as I said, and I think I was gagging as I tried to sort it out before giving up and putting the semi-soiled brush back in the holder. I did notice, the next day, that the brush seemed to be cleaned somehow, which I guess meant someone else used it, the very thought of which is making me feel vomitous all over again.

Seriously? The British need to just get better goddamn toilets. Or come up with better ways to clean them, for a toilet brush is surely a tool of the devil.


Anonymous said...

From wikipedia:

"In many cultures it is considered impolite to clean away biological debris without the use of chemical toilet cleaning products, as this can potentially leave residue on the bristles."


Kopaylopa said...

X- Okay... but what if there isn't any cleaning product, only the brush? And really, we're already talking about a tank full of water- what is some cleaning product going to do other than let clean residue get stuck on the bristles? All bad, all bad.
