So it's a well known fact that I cyber stalk. I have had many disagreements with people I know about the morals or values in cyber stalking, but I don't care. I'm okay with what I do. What you put on the internet is fair game for my piqued interest. Of course there are certain people that I stalk, a list if you will. Some people are more regular, some have come and gone. Generally, the rule is, if someone has done something I think is awful or ridiculous and somehow it touched me, then my stalking is generally to watch and see what happens to this (generally miserable) person.
So there is a girl that I stalk occasionally. I used to stalk her with some degree of frequency but my interest waned, plus, she's a bit dull. We used to be best friends. I've written about her before. Needless to say, our friendship ended in a rather spectacular and ugly way. And so the die was cast.
I don't stalk her that much these days. Occasionally. She has a pinterest board though, that's my latest source. That and I know two people who have friended her on facebook so I can also get details off of them sometimes. At any rate, here's the deal. This girl is bat-shit-crazy. I mean seriously fucking nuts. She may not seem nuts, but she is actually certifiable (and in fact, has been certified on more than one occasion). So here's the thing that gets me. Part of her psychosis if you will, is wrapped up in image and relationships. Short version, she was (and as far as I can tell still is) an anorexic/bulimic with bipolar who needs men to love her and so always has a boyfriend. She got married a while back, from my stalking I don't think that was going well and I'm pretty sure they were separated but then her husband died and she was a widow instead of a divorcee.
At any rate, a couple years ago she moved across country and had the man already lined up. And from her pinterest, it's fairly clear they're going to get married. And I have to wonder, what the fuck is it about this crazy fucked up bat shit girl. She gets perfectly nice and generally reasonable men to just bend over backwards for her and fall in love with her. Except fall in love with what exactly? She's full on cray-cray. They don't love her, because no one knows the real her, and certainly not these men. She keeps it very well hidden. She's manipulative and intelligent. Which goes a long way towards covering up the crazy. She becomes the chameleon, liking everything they like and being everything they want her to be (or what she thinks they want her to be). But seriously- who do so very many men fall for it? And obviously, they continue to fall for it. Because she plays helpless female when it suits her, but strong quirky renegade when it doesn't? Because she's thin? Because she's overly smarmy and adoring towards them? The thing is, if this is what normal nice guys want, then what the fuck chance does any normal girl have? They're all just going to fall for some psycho who needs them to stroke her ego.
See, I sort of wish through my stalking that I find out that things don't turn out all that well for those who aren't that nice to others in life. And while the counterpoint to this, is that she has to forever live with herself (and herself is not a very happy bunny), the fact is she has all semblance of happiness, even if she isn't very happy. Ugh. This is when I think that you cant believe in karma and universal justice. Because if you did, people like that just wouldn't succeed and clearly they do. Nice girls finish last and all that.
Anyway, I just needed to vent. Crazy girl gets yet another guy. Story of the century.