23 May 2010


Last day in DC at my Dad's house. I probably made a mistake in the distribution of my time in that I spent a lot of time up in NY with my Mom, and not so much time down here it seems. But I had intended to go to Boston originally from NY as well but didn't. Oh well.

So later today I hop a train back north and tomorrow night I fly back to London. I don't know why, but I'm very stressed about all of this. In some ways I feel I've been gone a long time. I feel disassociated from London and my life there, and somehow it frightens me to go back to it. Probably because I have a lot of work to do. Because I have to hit the ground running. Or maybe I'm just scared of the flight. I have no idea.

Overall the trip has been good though. Got to see pretty much everyone I could and spend quality time with the parents. I even got to relax, so that's a bonus.

I've managed to eat far too much, but then I've tempered that a couple of days even if only because I was so full I was set to explode. At any rate, I haven't gained too much weight as there is a scale here, and I will hopefully lose what I did when I return to my normal eating habits upon my return. Not that my current eating habits are particularly normal, but you know what I mean.

I still don't quite know why I'm so incredibly stressed however. It makes me feel jumpy and edgy and anxious. I mean, obviously it's a combination of the two things I cited, I guess what I'm really saying is that I don't like it. Especially as it's the last two days of my trip, I'd rather just enjoy it. But I'm finding it hard.

It doesn't really matter as I'll be back to my home soon and into the swing of things. I hear they put scaffolding up on my building and the work has started. I think I also hate when I leave and things happen in my absence. Although this is obviously normal, it makes me feel insignificant. And I don't like missing things.

See? I'm just in a weird fucking mood. Ugh.

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